Sunday, September 19, 2010

Burdundy Crocheted Coat

When we're old we forget things! I had forgotten all about my beautiful burgundy crocheted coat, actually more like a very long vest, because it has no sleeves. I crocheted in my own pattern of leaves, like very long branches with leaves. It feels heavy, but it makes it hang well when you're wearing it, truly a distinguished look over anything, either dress or pants. I had stored it in a box two years ago when we had moved and the box ended up deep in my closet and i never opened that box until I was moving again this summer. I also found another small red vest with the same doily yarn of my other red vest, but in a different pattern. I will put pictures of more of my things here soon.
I do want to mention a book I found in the Half-Price bookstore that was in mint condition for less than a third of its original price. It is called STITCH COLLECTION: TEXTURED CROCHET by Helen Jordan, with"More than 70 Designs with Easy Instructions". It has some new patterns i have not used before and some new flowers that I am going to try.